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Posted by : Allan_Dell on Wednesday, April 7, 2021 | 4:58 PM


MDAS stands for Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction, Exponents operations also follow the basic four mathematical operations-we mean multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction, the most famous MDAS. It is by order or sequence MDAS was recommended to use. Multiplication was the first in a series of operations, followed by Division, Addition, and Subtraction (see the order). This is the same as elementary mathematics back in the old days. The only thing is that our term(s) used involved exponents and variables. It is a term with a literal base (or numerical), with a small-text number as expressions in the upper right corner. See below for illustrations;


What do we mean by this?

When we say;

With the illustrations above, we are pretty sure that the differences between bases vary. There are no permanent looks except for the general expression. 

Basic steps on how we do it.

These are the simple ways to approach MDAS operations involving exponents. Let's start.

Given that; 

Notice that bases 3 and 2 have their own powers that tell how many (the bases) they are. When extracted with the rule of MDAS, we found that the operation resulted in 11 as answers. Bear in mind that the expression does not limit to two or three. It is multiple with different operators. In (see below),

we can tell that it is an expression of three terms. Thus,

So, what if we have a subtraction operation? let's have a simple illustration, see below.



So, if you are comfortable enough with how to do these, let's have a short practice with addition and subtraction operations.

Addition and Subtraction of Exponential expressions:

Evaluate the given exponential expressions.

So we found out how addition and subtraction work in these exponent expressions. Let's have multiplication and division to complete our MDAS operation.

Given that;

for multiplication,

  for division.

Let's have a short practice.

Problems with Partial Solutions:

Simplify each given exponential operation

Simple Quiz

Simplify each.


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